Optical discs (CD, DVD, BD) have become increasingly popular because they are a relatively secure medium to store large quantities of data. However, they are not exempt from reading errors due to scratches, defects or incorrect burning.
Recover Disc offers to help you recover information stored in discs that cannot be read with regular software applications. Although it is capable of performing complex functions, this program is very easy to use. Unlike other tools of the same type, this program’s interface is not full of bells and whistles and includes exactly what was needed. In fact, you can perform most of the process by using the Refresh and Extract buttons.
The first step to use Recover Disc is to insert the problem disc and then press the Refresh button. The program will reconstruct the disc structure, even in extreme situations when the information in the file system table has been partially lost. Two recovery methods are available. You may decide to make a copy of the full disc or to extract specific elements. You can start by browsing the CD just as you would normally do in a file explorer and when you find the file or folder you need to recover, you can select it and press the Extract button. At this point, you will be prompted for information as to the location of the recovered item or what to do if a file by the same name already exists. Then, the program will start extracting the selected element. You can also set the number of read retries before the program declares a block as unreadable. In this regard, the program will also let you decide what to do with unreadable blocks.
The advantages of using Recover Disc include the capability to recover information from discs burned with DVD cameras or recorders and to merge partial data recovered in different computers. In addition, there is an Expert View that will allow you to view the full disc structure, including all the sessions, tracks and file systems. This way you can recover data from multi-session discs by accessing each session separately.